"Find Your Own Path and Leave a Trail"
70 x 100 cm Smalti, dishes, ceramic, stone, cork, cork bark & sea polished tile. Exhibition statement: This work is an homage to my mother, who died at the age I am today. she always encouraged me to be creative and follow my passions. The inclusion of natural materials from Sardinia (cork, stone, a button with an historic imprint & sea polished ceramics) help to express the significance of this unforgettable moment of my journey. The pointing fingers and maze are indicative of the choices we all make throughout our lives. Whichever path you choose, enjoy your time & leave a mark for others to follow. ~ What I neglected to mention in my statement, is that the saying "Find your own path and leave a trail", was printed on an a pencil my parents used for advertising their business. I remember growing up with those pencils in hand. Something rubbed off! ~ Work created for & during the Third International Symposium of mosaic art in Ploaghe, Sardinia Italy. (July 31 - Aug 11, 2018) Permanent collection of Contemporary Mosaic & Art Assocciation, Ploaghe. Sardinia Italy |