This is where I stayed while in Perth! It was amazing for me to stay in this idyllic and beautiful location, with a view of the Indian Ocean. The little blue building on the right is Pat's mosaic studio. ![]() Pat & Horst, were my incredible hosts! They were so generous, kind, and knowledgable. Horst, being a professional chef, made sure I didn't go hungry! He cooked many a fine meal, presented on carefully arranged plates. (I can't believe I didn't take any photos of his beautiful & delicious food!) Speaking of plates... Here's Pat collecting goodies for my picassiette portraiture workshop. Thrift store shoppers of the world unite! ![]() Another amazing person who was instrumental in getting me to Perth, is Dorothy. I so loved having time to get to know her. Both Dorothy and Pat are active with MAANZ, the Australia/New Zealand mosaic community. ![]() The Art Supply store where my workshop was held, was aptly named Friendz. And, to my great surprise, located on Pensacola St! Hey! That's where I live! ![]() Inside, the workshop begins, with everyone drawing. It was a wonderful 3 days. The room was soon full of laughs and learning as everyone worked diligently on creating thier portraits, over the next 3 days. I just love the diversity of their work and all their smiling faces!
ArtistGila Rayberg Archives
November 2024